Recently created stories presents - 4 Most Beautiful Locations in Dalmatia

4 Most Beautiful Locations in Dalmatia

Croatia has been in the focus of experienced travelers for a while now. But, even if you dedicate years traveling through the country you won’t be able to see every breathtaking view it has to offer. Beautiful locations in Dalmatia, the southernmost province of Croatia, are aplenty and can offer a lifetime of memories to any visitor. #travel #croatia #province #nature 
1 previous stories presents - Tourism and Entertainment in Canada

Tourism and Entertainment in Canada

Talking about amazing tourist centers in the world, we can all agree that Canada is one of the best places to visit. Canada, a country located in the northern part of North America has ten provinces and three territories. With a land of 9.98 million square kilometers, it is claimed the world’s second-largest country by the total area calculated. #canada #tourists #northamerica #provinces #country 
3 continuations presents - 4 найкрасивіші місця в Далмації

4 найкрасивіші місця в Далмації

Хорватія вже деякий час знаходиться в центрі уваги досвідчених мандрівників. Але навіть якщо ви присвятите роки подорожі країною, ви не зможете побачити кожен захоплюючий вид, який вона може запропонувати. Гарних місць в Далмації, найпівденнішій провінції Хорватії, безліч і може подарувати на все життя спогади кожному відвідувачеві. #travel #croatia #province #nature 
1 previous stories presents - Italy


Italy is celebrated for its art and its art of hospitality – warm and welcoming. Italy is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe. A country for all seasons. Spring comes early and autumn lingers long. In winter, the Italian Alps offer superb scenery and skiing. Italy is definitely diverse, its natural scenery ranging from the sunny southern Alpine slopes to colourful Sicilian orange groves. Its historical background is just as varied and preserved in colourful folklore festivals. #travel #italy #europe #culture #history  
3 continuations presents - Туризм та розваги в Канаді

Туризм та розваги в Канаді

Говорячи про дивовижні туристичні центри у світі, ми всі можемо погодитись, що Канада - одне з найкращих місць для відвідування. Канада, країна, розташована в північній частині Північної Америки, має десять провінцій і три території. Земля площею 9,98 мільйонів квадратних кілометрів вважається другою за величиною країною у світі за загальною розрахунковою площею. #canada #tourists #northamerica #provinces #country 
2 continuations presents - Італія


Італія славиться своїм мистецтвом та мистецтвом гостинності - теплим та гостинним. Італія - одне з найпопулярніших місць відпочинку у Європі. Країна на всі пори року. Весна настає рано, а осінь триває довго. Взимку італійські Альпи пропонують чудові пейзажі та катання на лижах. Італія, безумовно, різноманітна, її природні пейзажі варіюються від сонячних південних альпійських схилів до барвистих сицилійських апельсинових гаїв. Його історична довідка настільки ж різноманітна і збережена в кольорових фольклорних фестивалях. #travel #italy #europe #culture #history  
3 continuations presents - Laos, Asia

Laos, Asia

The capital of Laos is Vientiane, which has a population of around 300,000. The Laos economy has been based on its exports of rice, tobacco and coffee, but in recent years the country has been discovered as a tourist destination. Here you will experience a scene of centuries-old monasteries and monks in saffron-coloured robes. The people of Laos are open, friendly and courteous, and visitors receive a warm welcome. The country enjoys a tropical climate and thus most of the year is hot and humid. #travel #laos #vientiane presents - City of Qom

City of Qom

Basic facts about the city of Qom don’t give out much about the true meaning of this city for the history, or the modern times of Iran. Today, Qom is the seventh largest city in Iran and it is the capital of Qom province. It lays on the banks of the Qom river, nearly one hundred and forty kilometers to the south of Teheran. Qom’s prosperity comes from being a regional center of gas and petrol products as well as from being on the route of important gas and petrol pipelines that run through him from Bandar Anzali and Teheran to the Abandan refinery in the Persian Gulf. #travel #qom #iran presents - Испания на Евровидение 2020-2021

Испания на Евровидение 2020-2021

За 2 недели после подтверждения об участие Испании на конкурсе был обьявлен Blas Cantó своим представителем в Роттердаме. #eurovision #results #spain #2020 #rtve #show #songcontest #singer #song #rotterdam #netherlands #bals #canto  
2 previous stories presents - Iran


Apart from the Vatican, Iran is the only theocracy in the world. Because of this political system travelers are advised to study and follow local customs as much as possible and to respect the rules set up by the local people. But, for those who are willing to do so, it is a marvelous country with a lot to offer. Together with Iraq, it holds the Persian heritage and one of the oldest cultures in the world. During the last six thousand years of recorded history, Iran has had hundreds and thousands of philosophers, inventors, builders, and artists, finally building a country. #travel #iran presents - Church of the Savior on Blood

Church of the Savior on Blood

Construction of the church began in 1883 during the reign of Alexander III, two years after the assassination of his father Alexander II. The church was dedicated to being a memorial to his father. A temporary shrine was erected on the site of the attack while plans and fundraising for a more permanent memorial were undertaken. #church #of #the #savior #on #blood #st.petersburg  
1 previous stories presents - Церква Спаса на крові

Церква Спаса на крові

Будівництво церкви розпочалось у 1883 р. Під час правління Олександра III, через два роки після вбивства його батька Олександра II. Церква була присвячена тому, щоб бути пам'ятником його батькові. На місці нападу було встановлено тимчасову святиню, в той час як проводились плани та збір коштів для створення постійнішого меморіалу. #church #of #the #savior #on #blood #st.petersburg presents - Формат и способы проведения Евровидение 2021

Формат и способы проведения Евровидение 2021

Способ 1: конкурс будет проводиться так, как проводился ранее. Способ 2: конкурс будет проводиться так как проводился ранее, но с социальным дистанциированием. Позже организаторы конкурса сказали, что это будет основным вариантом и способ проведения конкурса может измениться, если обстоятельства будут ухудшаться #eurovision #songcontest #2021 #covid #format #way #online #offline #netherlands #rotterdam #ebu  
2 previous stories presents - Singer House

Singer House

Singer House, also widely known as the House of the Book is located at the intersection of Nevsky Prospekt and the Griboyedov Canal, directly opposite the Kazan Cathedral. It is recognized as a historical landmark, has official status as an object of Russian cultural heritage and serves as the headquarters of the VKontakte. #singer #house #st.petersburg #house #of #book 
1 previous stories presents - Eurovision Song Contest Netherlands 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Netherlands 2021

Jeangu Macrooy ([ʒɑ̃nˈgy maˈkroːi]; * November 6, 1993 in Paramaribo) is a Surinamese singer and songwriter. With his brother Xillan Macrooy, he formed the duo Between Towers in 2011. In 2020, Dutch public broadcaster AVROTROS announced that Macrooy would be the host country at ESC 2020, and since the Netherlands had won ESC 2019, he was automatically qualified for the final. However, the ESC had to be cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, on the same day it was announced that Macrooy will represent the Netherlands at the ESC 2021. #macrooy #jeangu #netherlands #2021 #eurovision #song  
1 previous stories
1 continuations presents - Visit Barcelona: Why You Should Not Miss Out This Wonderful City

Visit Barcelona: Why You Should Not Miss Out This Wonderful City

Whether you are planning a trip to Spain or not, there are several reasons you should consider to visit Barcelona. Indeed, Barcelona is often found on top of many traveler’s bucket list and it is one of the most popular favorite cities in the world. It is easy to understand why, Barcelona is a stunning city, rich in history and culture but also offering its tourists plenty of things to do. The city has all you are looking for in a perfect destination: Mediterranean beaches, beautiful modernist buildings, historic and cultural landmarks, and breathtaking views. #barcelona #spain #trip #visit 
1 continuations presents - Eurovision Dänemark 2016 - Vorentscheidung

Eurovision Dänemark 2016 - Vorentscheidung

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2016 war die 46. Ausgabe von Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, dem Musikwettbewerb, der Dänemarks Beiträge für den Eurovision Song Contest auswählt. Die Veranstaltung fand am 13. Februar 2016 im Forum Horsens in Horsens statt und wurde von Jacob Riising und Annette Heick moderiert, während Hilda Heick aus dem Green Room Beiträge moderierte. Im Superfinale wurde der Gewinner Lighthouse X, ausschließlich durch ein Publikumsvoting ermittelt. #eurovision #song #contest #denmark #dansk #grand #prix #2016 
2 previous stories presents - 5 Best Places to Visit in Spain

5 Best Places to Visit in Spain

Spain has for a long time been a must-visit destination for most visitors from various parts of the world due to its great weather, ancient heritage, amazing culture, and other attractions. Regardless of your taste in dishes, attractions, fine art among others, this great country has almost everything for everyone. It also has a lot of airports which makes it easier to move from one part of the country to another. Although it’s much convenient to visit all the places of interest, the choice of where to go during your vacation isn’t easy. #best #places #spain #culture #travel #toursim